Recognizing & Responding to the Needs of Others
October 2, 2022 Speaker: Jay Pound Series: Extraordinary Norms
Scripture: Romans 6:22–23, Luke 22:24–27
Allegiance to Jesus ought to change our idea of normal at least as much as allegiance to a sports team.
What does it look like to recognize and respond tangibly to the needs of others?
- Giving generously of our time and resources
- Using our gifts and skills to serve others
Why should these be normal for a follower of Jesus?
- God expects us to be generous with others because he has been generous with us (Rm. 6.22-23).
- God expects us to serve because the greatest in his Kingdom are those who serve (Lk. 22.24-27)
Application: Who are we becoming in Christ?
- If we are disciples of Jesus, we should expect following him to transform our idea of what is normal.
Action Step:
More in Extraordinary Norms
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