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Wednesdays, 6:30–8:00 p.m.

Wednesday night Creekside Clubs are for kids in first-fifth grade. We have four Club groups: Boys 1–3 grade, Girls 1–3 grade, Boys 4–5 grade, and Girls 4–5 grade. Each group has consistent leaders who care about the kids and want to invest in their lives.

Each Club night is centered around a Bible lesson, a main Bible point, and a memory Bible verse. Kids in Clubs 1–3 learn the foundations of faith. Throughout the year, Bible lessons revolve around four questions: Who is God? Who does God say I am? How do I fit into God’s family? How do I live? Kids in Clubs 4–5 learn about the heart of God and how they can reflect God in everyday life.

Kids have fun at Clubs. They do activities, play games in the gym, have neighborhood hikes, do service projects, and have hands-on projects that help point kids to Jesus Christ and strengthen the bond of Christian community.

Our mission at Creekside is for all kids to Know God, Grow in God, and Show God’s love to others.