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Join our women's Bible study, open to women of all ages!

Meeting options

  • Wednesdays 9:30–11:00 a.m. • In-person at First Free
  • Wednesdays 9:30–11:00 a.m. • On line (Zoom)
  • Thursdays 6:30–8:30 p.m.• On line (Zoom)

Register for the Women's Bible Study

2024-25 Studies

  • Women of the New Testament, September 11–December 11
  • Elijah: Living Securely in an Insecure World, January 8, 2025–February 26
  • Praying the Psalms, March 5–May 14

Study books may be picked up at the Welcome Desk in the lobby. You may also request to have one mailed to you by calling the church office @ (612) 827–4705.
You may pay the $10 study book on-line during your registration, mail a check to FEFC, or pay at the first meeting. 

What is the Women's Neighborhood Bible Study?

WNBS is a weekly Bible study for women of all ages. Each Wednesday, from September–May, we study God's word, discuss our homework, enjoy fellowship and pray for one another. We have approximately 50 women who attend the study and we divide that number down into small groups of 8–10. When you join WNBS, you will be assigned to a table and you will be with that same group of women for the school year.

Do I need any previous Bible study experience?

The only requirement to participate in WNBS is that you believe that the Bible is worth studying. The weekly homework takes about 30–45 minutes to complete.

Is there child care? 

Free childcare for infants/preschool is provided for in-person meetings on Wednesday mornings. In the registration form you will see a question asking if you would utilize the childcare and for what ages.

If you miss the start of a study, no worries—you can jump in any time! 

Questions?  Contact Stacey Urbanz (stacey.urbanz@firstfreechurch.org).

See you there!