

Musical expression is a significant part of our Sunday morning worship.  Most weeks you can expect us to sing 4-5 songs together. In our music and singing, we seek to worship in authenticity with sound theology and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.

Stylistically, you will find that week to week we may have a variety of musical expressions and a variety of musicians and singers leading us in song. You can listen to some of the music that has been recorded during our worship services on our Soundcloud page.

In all of this, our goal is not to come to church as worship music “consumers” participating only when our favorite song or style of music happens, but to be people that realize that while worship is good for us, worship is ultimately for God.

Want to be a contributor to Worship & The Arts at First Free?

Simply fill out a Welcome Card and indicate your interest in the Worship Arts; someone will follow up with you!