What Are We All About?

jeanine and allie

Faith community nursing focuses on the intentional care of the spirit as part of the process of promoting health and preventing or minimizing illness in a faith community.

Nurses walk alongside individuals and families seeking to empower them as they experience stressors in their lives. They provide health related information and resources to individuals and groups. They do hospital and home visits, and they coordinate volunteer ministries and prepare people to serve in them. Faith community nurses  oversee the safety and accessibility of the church building. A Wellness Advisory Team meets quarterly to provide input into the work of the Faith Community Nurses.

You can communicate with the nurses by email (nurses@firstfreechurch.org) or by leaving a phone message at church 612-827-4705

Events and Resources



The Expressions support group is similar to other small groups at First Free. It is a place where people “do life” together: supporting and encouraging each other, praying for each other, serving, and seeking biblical wisdom together. However, membership in this group is dedicated to people dealing with chronic illnesses ranging from ongoing diseases to mental illness, such as chronic depression and anxiety.

Creativity is a big part of this support group. The art we make is a wordless expression of feelings or thoughts, not about making something beautiful—no experience with art is necessary, and stick figures are welcome! Using art is one way to foster talking about difficult things and often generates delightful observations and discussions.

Expressions generally meets twice monthly on Sunday afternoons at 2:00 PM—see the Events page/calendar for specifc dates. All art materials are provided, and there is no cost to attend.  If interested, please contact Dee Huanca (ddhuanca@msn.com) or one of the Faith Community Nurses (nurses@firstfreechurch.org).                  

Honoring Choices: Health Care Directives Workshop

Honoring Choices is a program that provides information about completing a form called Health Care Directives. Our hour together will help you have a conversation with your family about your values, beliefs and goals for future health care. More than 90% of people think it is important to talk with their family about end of life care, however, less than 30% have discussed this with their families. Ideally completing this form begins at the onset of adulthood—age 18—and revisiting it throughout the life span. The forms will be provided as well as assistance filling then out. Individuals and families welcome. Contact Dee Huanca or Maureen Juarez for more information on Health Care Directives

Legal Issues Related to Older Adults


There is a DVD available of a presentation made by Joshua Damberg, Attorney at Law with Maser, Amundson and Bogio P.A. This presentation will assist you to:

  1. Understand who needs to complete estate planning and why
  2. Determine what essential legal documents are needed by individuals and family members
  3. Identify the changes that may impact planning and when to revisit or update an existing plan.

To view this DVD (or if you prefer, a digital video file on a flash drive) please contact a Faith Community Nurse (nurses@firstfreechurch.org).

Visitation To The Homebound

Visitation is carried out by the Faith Community nurses, pastors, and trained visitors. A one hour class on visitation to the homebound is offered to individuals or groups. Come to get ideas on making visits that integrate spiritual and social aspects of care. This class will enable you to become a part of the Visitation Ministry of First Free if you desire. For more information email nurses@firstfreechurch.org, or check back for future dates.

Cards and Notes  Some families are sending cards or calling people from First Free.  If you are interested in doing this, please let the Faith Community Nurses know and they can give you names and addresses.

Wellness Advisory Team

The Wellness Advisory Team is a group which provides input to the Faith Community Nurses. It meets three times a year. If you are interested in joining this group please talk to a Faith Community Nurse. The 2024 Wellness Advisory Team meetings wil be held:

  • Monday, January 22, 11 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
  • Monday, June 24, 11 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
  • Monday, October 28, 11 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

Support For The Growing Family

Are you pregnant, recently delivered a baby, or anticipating an adoption? Support for your growing family is available through the Faith Community Nurse program at First Free Church. For additional information, contact nurses@firstfreechurch.org.