Velocity Sundays
9:00–10:00 a.m.
In the Youth Room 107/108
Starting September 8 Students in grades 6–12 are invited to meet in the youth room (107/108) where high school students will be learning about the theology of worship while middle school students will explore the gospels.
We have a high priority to help students know the Word. We take time on Sunday mornings to spend time reading and discussing the Scriptures.
Velocity Wednesdays
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
In the Youth Room 107/108 and the Gym
On Wednesday nights our Middle School students will be meeting in the gym for some game time before heading to Room 105/106 for time in the Word and then breaking up for Small Groups. For our High School students we will be meeting in the Youth Room (Room 107/108) for IceBreakers and time in the Word before heading into their small groups. All students will get some gym time from 8:00–8:30 p.m.
We believe that students need to be in a group of their peers where they can share openly and honestly in a safe environment. We make an effort to invest intentionally in adults who love Jesus and are passionate about reaching students.
We point students to Jesus as He is revealed in God’s Word as the only one in whom we are to trust for salvation from the power and consequences of our sins. This gospel is good news for all of humans who have an opportunity to have a way made to have a relationship with God.
We hope that Velocity Student Ministries will be a safe place for students to bring their friends who may not be interested in Church or have a relationship with Jesus.