What Is SoulShare?
SoulShare is a men’s fellowship, open to all ages.
We have been doing character studies of New and Old Testament figures, trying to get inside the heads of the subjects of those Bible narratives to better learn what the Holy Spirit intended in placing those events in the Scripture.
- Oct 14: Pharaoh Amenhotep
- Nov 11: Korah
- Dec 9: Eli
- Jan 13: Gideon
- Feb 10: Elijah
- Mar 9: Stephen
- Apr 13: John Mark
- May 11: Dionysius and Damaris
We meet the second Saturday of each month—October through May—from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
How Do I Join?
Contact Ross Olson (ross@rossolson.org) and he will add you to the group email list. Or feel free to come to any meeting and get connected.