Liturgy and Other Worship Arts

Marlene Maloney - Redemption
Artwork by Marlene Maloney

While music is a significant part of our normal expressions of worship on Sunday morning, we also practice a variety of other historic Christian practices of worship that some may consider more “liturgical” including proclamation of Scripture, prayers of the people, responsive readings & prayers, Communion, silence, and more. Many of these practices are led by members of our congregation as we try to live out our belief in the “priesthood of all believers”. 

The visual arts are also another valuable area of worship expression that we’ve been developing at First Free with annual Advent/Christmas & Lent/Easter Art galleries. 

We also have opportunities to lead and serve in our tech department running sound, lights, lyrics, video and more!

Want to be a contributor to Worship & The Arts at First Free?

Email worship pastor Paul Anleitner: