The Gospel of John
August 8, 2021 Speaker: Paul Anleitner Series: Overlooked Books of the Bible
Four Key Questions John's Gospel Will Answer:
1. What is the true nature and identity of Jesus?
Jesus is what God has to say .
(The Logos)
Jesus is God in the flesh.
(The Incarnation)
2. What was the true purposes of Jesus' mission?
Jesus is the manifest demonstration of God's love for the entire world, sent into the world to save, redeem, and restore it.
3. How does Jesus accomplish this mission?
Jesus accomplishes this mission through the glory of the Cross.
4. What does this mean for us?
Through the death & resurrection of Jesus, those who are united to Christ like branches united to a vine (John 15) are saved:
from the destructive oppression of Satan...
to permanent, loving union with God
Eternal life is sharing in the eternal communion of love that the Father and the Son have shared in for all eternity (see John 17:3, 20-24)
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