Whom Should We Trust?

February 5, 2023 Speaker: Jay Pound Series: Good News for the Weak

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:1–6

A Good Question: How can the church in Corinth know which teachers/preachers of the gospel can be trusted


The Wrong (& Worldly) Method: Trust in those who are wealthy and eloquent

  • But what does that say about the crucified and rejected Jesus? (1 Cor. 1.26-29)
  • Wealth and eloquence alone do not prove anyone trustworth (or untrustworthy). 


A Better Solution: Letters of recommendation (3.1)

  • Paul himself has written letters of recommendation (e.g. Pp. 2.19-24)
  • BUT…Corinth should not need one from Paul, they are Paul’s letters! (3.1-2)
  • God’s work in and through Paul proves he can be trusted (3.4-6). 


Application: How can we tell whom to trust today?

  • Consult with other believers you trust and respect (1-2)
  • Look for evidence of God’s work in and through that person (3-6)
  • Judge what they say against scripture (OT & NT).  


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A visit from the Apostle Paul

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The Law of the Harvest

April 30, 2023

A Generous Church