Credibility in a Disillusioned Age

December 31, 2023 Speaker: Jay Pound Series: First Free Church Sermons

How can imperfect people be credible messengers of the gospel in an increasingly disillusioned age? 

We earn credibility by embodying the gospel we proclaim. Here are 3 examples:

  • We need to be quick to apologize, quick to forgive and quick to repent (1 Jn. 1.8-9; Rm. 8.1)
  • Our lives should provide obvious evidence of transformation (Gal. 5.19-23)
  • In what we say and do, we need to point clearly and consistently to Jesus (Jn. 3.30, Rm. 1.16)

We become credible and effective witnesses to Jesus and his Kingdom in any and every age when our lives are an example of the message we proclaim.

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