The Incredible Invitation
Speaker: Joel Sutton Series: Jesus & God's Plan For a Broken World Scripture: Luke 5:1–11
Requirements to join Jesus:
- A willingness to do what Jesus asks. vv.4-5
- An awareness of our unworthiness. vv.8
- Fully committed to following Jesus. vv.11
Take Home Idea: Jesus invites us, as His followers, to come work with Him.
other sermons in this series
Dec 27
God’s Future in Our Present
Speaker: Jay Pound Scripture: Luke 24:44–53 Series: Jesus & God's Plan For a Broken World
Nov 22
Fully Developed Disciple
Speaker: Joel Sutton Scripture: Luke 6:37–42 Series: Jesus & God's Plan For a Broken World
Nov 8
Loving Your Enemies
Speaker: Joel Sutton Scripture: Luke 6:27–36 Series: Jesus & God's Plan For a Broken World