Grace on the Ground

December 27, 2015 Series: God on the Ground

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:7–10

Grace on the Ground

2 Corinthians 12:7-10


What is Grace? Unmerited favor.


1) God’s Grace is Accessible. v. 8


2) God’s Grace is Sufficient. v. 9


Grace by nature cannot be demanded or hoarded.
Grace by nature is for someone else.
Grace by nature is a gift and therefore must be given away.


3) God’s Grace is for the Humble. vv. 9-10


There is no need or room for grace in the heart of the self-righteous and self-justified.


Take Home Idea: When I acknowledge I don’t deserve God’s grace I will discover God’s grace is available and abundant for my every need.



“Grace on the Ground” Discussion Questions

2 Corinthians 12:7-10


“Grace is unmerited favor.” What do you think of this definition of grace?

How would you define or explain grace? Write it in your own words.



Read Hebrews 4:16. What does this passage tell you about grace? Where does grace originate from and who is the intended recipient of grace?

Jason gave three points about the nature of grace. How do these points make you think-about grace differently?

Read 2 Corinthians 12:8-10. What strikes you about Paul pleading with God to remove his “thorn in the flesh” or situational-hardship?

Why do you think God responds by reminding Paul that His grace is sufficient?

What does Paul mean by saying that power is made perfect in weakness? How are weakness and grace interconnected? How does being weak equate to having strength?

Rewrite the Take Home Idea in your own words and discuss.

Bonus Question:
How could you use 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 to explain the gospel to someone?



Did you need grace this past week? Did you boldly approach God’s throne and humbly ask for it?

Who are some people in your life that need God’s grace? List them below.

Read 1 Peter 4:10–11. Who in your life needed a gift of God’s grace stewarded from you this past week? Did you give God’s grace generously to them or withhold grace from them?



More in God on the Ground

December 24, 2015

Jesus is Our Salvation

December 20, 2015

Jesus is God's Life

December 13, 2015

Jesus is God's Light