Created to Create

Every second Tuesday of every month

6:00pm – 8:00pm

First Evangelical Free Church  View Map

Coordinator:  Gayle Gilman

C2C-weikels event image

Because we are all made in the image of God, we are designed to create beautiful things in the world. At First Free, we value the arts and creativity as a vital expression of worship. The goal of Created to Create—led by Gayle Gilman and Marlene Maloney—is to help people in our community exercise their creative potential and develop their artistic skills. Monthly art classes for anyone from children (able to follow directions & work independently with some assistance) through adulthood are available on Tuesdays, from 6–8 p.m.

January 14th was a dark & cold evening, but 7 of us braved the cold & had a great time putting together Valentines & caring cards for those we knew. Karin Olson brought oodles of supplies & advice. It was intriguing for us to explore the variety of cards, envelopes, words, stickers, stamps, borders that Karin had neatly organized & sorted by theme. Thank you Karin; these cards are such a great ministry.

On Tuesday, February 11th Created to Create will revisit the world of watercolor to practice techniques using expired credit cards, old toothbrushes, masking tape, salt sprinkles & water spatters to paint a simple winter birch tree landscape. There is a simple technique to paint the background sky without having to paint around ever tree & branch. These techniques, along with just a few colors will teach you some methods on how to make your painting rich with the beauty of light & shadow as well as convey that sense of the chill wintry air that we Minnesotans know too well.

I need to enlist a few of you to bring hair dryers to shorten drying time.