Worship Team

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Our Worship Team serves in leading our congregation in song, Scripture, and prayer every Sunday. We have musicians and vocalists across multiple generations which strive to present a sonic expression of contemporary music that can resonate across generations. Our songs capture rich theological truths and invite whole-hearted responses to the Gospel.

Those interested in serving as a musician or singer should have prior church or other public performance experience, be competent in playing with chord charts, have an understanding of basic music theory and improvisation, and be a follower of Jesus that leads not just with song but with Christ-like character in the community. Contact Paul Anleitner for more information: paul.anleitner@firstfreechurch.org

Tech Team

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The Tech Team plays an integral role in Sunday worship. Audio techs help set-up and put-away the equipment and monitor the mixing board during the service. Media techs run slides and control the lights. Video techs operate cameras and oversee the livestream. The time commitment is typically no more than one sunday a month for those interested in volunteering. No experience is necessary—we'll teach you everything you need to know. If you're looking for a fun and unique way to get involved in worship, consider joining the Tech Team! Contact Dan Fergus (dan.fergus@firstfreechurch.org).