Seven: Lesson In Suffering

June 12, 2016 Series: Seven: Lessons to the Church in Revelation

Scripture: Revelation 2:8–11

Seven: Lesson in Suffering

Revelation 2:8-11

To the Church of Smyrna

Different types of Suffering: v. 9

Notice What Jesus Doesn’t Say

Suffering is to be Expected: v. 10

Jesus knows the suffering is coming.
Jesus warns the Church of suffering.


Jesus advice is “Don’t Be Afraid.” v. 10


Suffering can Produce Rewards: v. 10-11

If I let it, suffering can produce character growth in my life now.
Jesus says perseverance in suffering will produce an everlasting crown.


Take Home Point:

Therefore, as a Christian I should expect suffering and if I am faithful and not fearful I can expect God to use suffering to produce rewards.



“Seven: Lesson in Suffering” Discussion Questions

Revelations 2:8-11



What are some ways the Church in Smyrna might have been suffering?

What are some ways people in the Church today have been suffering?



In Revelations 2:8-11, Jesus warns the Church of coming suffering. Why does Jesus do this?

Why do you think Jesus says not be afraid?

Read 1 Peter 4:12–16. What does this passage tell you about suffering?

What is our typical response to suffering?

Read 1 Peter 1:6–7. What does this passage tell you about the purpose of suffering?

What are some of the rewards that suffering will produce in your life if you’re faithful?

Rewrite the Take Home Idea in your own words and discuss.



What are some ways you personally are suffering? Is your normal response to suffering to be fearful or faithful?

What do you think Jesus wants to accomplish in your life through suffering?




More in Seven: Lessons to the Church in Revelation

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Seven: Lesson In Growth

July 10, 2016

Seven: Lesson In Opportunity

July 3, 2016

Lesson in Complacency