Risking Love

October 11, 2015 Speaker: Joel Sutton Series: Risking Church

Scripture: John 15:12–17

Risking Love

John 15:12-17


Command: “Love one another”.

• “Agape” - acting in someone else’s interest no matter who they are, no matter how you feel, no matter what the cost.

: “as I have loved you.”

• Jesus’ washing of the disciples feet. (John 13)

• Jesus’ death on the cross. (John 19)

: “You are my friends if you do what I have commanded you.”

• Our love for one another demonstrates we are good friends with Christ.


Take Home Idea: Our love for one another is the fruit of our friendship with Christ.



Risking Church Discussion Questions

John 15:12-17


As a kid, who was your best friend?  What made you best friends?

Look at the take home idea. Explain it in your own words.

How does verses 9 and 12 tie together? What is the new emphasis which begins in verse 12?

How is love the essential dynamic of the Christian life?

Pastor Joel talked about the two outstanding examples of Jesus’ love for us—washing the disciples’ feet and his death on the cross. What is it that amazes you about both of them? How are both of them referred to in verse 13?

How do verses 12-13 take Jesus’ command to love even further than John 13:34-35?

How does our relationship with Jesus change once we start practicing this example of love?

For you, when it comes to loving one another, what is the riskiest part of Pastor Joel’s definition of agape love – acting in someone else’s interest a) unconditionally, b) willfully, or c) sacrificially? Why?

Do you feel more like Jesus’ servant or friend? What helps develop the friendship?

Close by sharing your answers and then praying together.



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October 4, 2015

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Risking Church