Prayer: The Conversation of Friends
Speaker: Joel Sutton Series: The Prayers of Pray-ers Scripture: Genesis 1:26–27
Prayer: Conversation of Friends
Genesis 1:26-27; Hebrews 4:14-16; John 15:14-15
Why is prayer so important?
Who God Is (Genesis 1:26-27):
- Plural
- Conversational
- Personal
God's Purpose: To have a relationship with His people.
What Jesus has accomplished:
- God can be known (Hebrews 4:14-16).
- We are members of His family.
- We are Jesus' friends (John 15:14-15).
Prayer Point: In prayer, the Christian knows God as friend.
other sermons in this series
Sep 6
Praying with Faith
Speaker: Joel Sutton Scripture: James 1:2–8 Series: The Prayers of Pray-ers
Aug 23
Praying in the Battle
Speaker: Jay Pound Scripture: Ephesians 6:10–6:20 Series: The Prayers of Pray-ers
Aug 16
Praying When God is Silent
Speaker: Joel Sutton Scripture: Luke 18:1–18:8 Series: The Prayers of Pray-ers