Of First Importance

April 5, 2015 Speaker: Joel Sutton Series: Resurrection Realities

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1–15:11

Of First Importance

1 Corinthians 15:1-11



Two epic, core events:


1) “Christ died for our sins.” vv. 3-4


Proof: Christ was buried.



2) “Christ was raised on the third day.” vv. 4-11


Proof: Appeared to a multitude of witnesses.



“Of first importance” . . .


. . . is that the gospel centers on the death of Christ.

. . . is that the gospel centers on the risen life of Christ.

. . . is that the gospel impacts our lives and death.




Take Home Idea: We must never lose our grip on Christ crucified and Christ risen.




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