Visitation Team
Joining the visitation ministry is a great way to develop lasting relationships with others at church. We often visit with an individual or family in the congregation who is not able to attend church on a regular basis, or who may need extra support. Being a visitor at First Free involves a commitment of a one-time training session and visiting an individual or family ideally every 6–8 weeks. During a visit, we visit socially and spend time to pray and share a scripture or a devotional. We find that our visitors often leave feeling encouraged in their own faith walk with God.
Another meaningful way to be a part of the visitation team is to help make prayer shawls. Prayer shawls are special gifts that are given to those going through hard times to let them know God and their church family cares for them. Contact:
Wellness Advisory Team
The Wellness Advisory Team meets three times a year to provide input to the Faith Community Nurse ministry. Some of our members have a medical background and others don’t; we welcome all. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact Faith Community Nurses. Contact:
Prayer Team
If you have a heart to listen to others and to bring their concerns to God in prayer, then First Free’s prayer team may be a place for you. We offer prayer up front for a short 10-15 minute window after the service two times a month. Your commitment would involve a short training period and being available to pray monthly, as well as attending a 90 minute quarterly meeting to connect together as a team. Contact Melia Ives at